camera rolls across Point San Quentin, the forbidding fortress of the
notorious prison forming the backdrop for the titles. Watchtowers
cover every approach, every avenue of escape. A guard prowls a
catwalk, rifle in hand. A supply truck rattles it's way from the
prison, steel barrels in back as the escape siren goes off in the
distant prison.
Jarring to a
halt against a rock, the inmate staggers free, dazed, dizzy and runs
beneath a culvert, shedding his incriminating prison shirt. We see
his point of view as he claws through some undergrowth, San Quentin
across the water now-and Police riders on their machines roaring
around the bend in the road, passing just feet from the desperate
We hear his thoughts; 'They'll catch the truck-question the
driver, search the barrels.' In
five minutes they'll be back, combing the road. Time to take
An old Ford Roadster pulls up, the back seat garish in striped fabric. The fresh-faced boy driving it asks how the inmate got his feet wet. Crossing a stream. He tells the kid he's going to the Civic Center in San Francisco. In his under-shirt?. Now he wants to know about the escapee's pants. Now where he's from; Arizona. Maricopa. The inmate remarks on the fancy seat cover, to be told it's from a carnival tent. Again with the questions; why isn't he more sunburned without a shirt?, why is he going to Frisco?. The inmate wants out; stop the jalopy and he'll hitch another ride. Newsflash; the radio blares a bulletin. A description of a face we've never seen. The kids stops the car, realises. Vincent Parry, sentenced for murdering his Wife three years ago.
Fists fly and the kid pleads to no avail,
slumping against the wheel. A wiry arm, whipcord strong, drags him
from the Roadster, unbuttons his shirt. A Ford
Deluxe Station Wagon rolls past the other way, screeching to a halt
just as the man is tying up his new shoes. We see his hand pick up a
A beautiful girl gets out, sees what he's done, but instead of
screaming she's ice cold, resolved, purposeful. The same steel in her
voice she tells our escaper to get into her car. She pleads with him,
even knows his name. There's not much time. He doesn't have much
choice, so he goes with her, hiding under a canvas; she was out
painting when she heard the flash. They
go through the Waldo tunnel towards the Golden Gate.
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they drive over the bridge, Parry wants to know why she agreed to the
search; they'd have only looked anyway. She took a chance, explains
how she found him. She heard the news and looked for him. She remarks
he's all set to clip her one and he replies he can't make mistakes.
Maybe she's made one-a
motorcycle cop is on their tail. He overtakes and stops at the toll
gate. Time to hold your breath again. They
get through without any trouble and eventually, the girl pulls up
outside her place, 1360 Montgomery. He's
not happy, but what choice does he have?. She'll count ten, then she
should have the elevator ready. Parry follows, but someone comes down
the stairs and he ducks inside the elevator car.
Pressing for her
floor, the girl hides her nerves well, but Parry can see she's
anxious. She'll go ahead again, make sure it's clear.
her apartment, a luxury split-level affair, Parry asks why she's
doing all this. She asks him to wait, goes up the curving stairs,
says to put music on, if he likes. He does, switching the stereogram
on. She likes swing. The girl
hands Parry a newspaper clipping, from the Record's
coverage of his trial.
to the editor. A letter from one
Irene Jansen, protesting Parry's treatment at the hands of the press.
She thought he was getting a raw deal. He can't see the sense of her
attempts to help-while he does nothing the Police will be busy. The
phone; Bob-and he
wants dinner. Irene fobs him off with an excuse about wanting to
finish some sketches. That did it for Parry, he's spooked and wants
to get out. Then at least stay until tonight, she asks, let her get
him some decent clothes to avoid suspicion. He takes a 40 in suits a
15½ shirt, 34 sleeves and so on. Irene goes to leave and tells
Vincent to throw his clothes down the incinerator chute, get a hot
shower and a shave.
all we see are Parry's hands-never his face. He puts the record on
again, then there's a knock
at the door and Parry recognises a voice from the past; Madge.
She's insistent, but Parry
tells her to go away. Mid-forties, dark haired in a leopard-print
outfit. You know the type; haughty, meddlesome.
Going upstairs,
Vincent watches her leave through the blinds. She stops on the steps
to the car park and looks up. He wishes he hadn't dropped those
clothes down the chute-he wouldn't get far in a towel. Idly, he goes
through the drawers in the dresser, finds a scrapbook. Pictures,
clippings and one about a Calvin Jansen. Dies in prison.
The photo is of an older man, a father. Sentenced to life
for murdering his wife.
catches him at it, her arms full of the things she's bought for him.
She takes her clipping back, puts it away in the book. He tells her
about the caller. Over coffee on the terrace, Parry feels she must
get lonely up here by herself. Is that why she visits trials?. No,
because it reminded her of her Father's. She knows he didn't kill her
Step-Mother, he was innocent. It wasn't fate or destiny brought her
to that road today, she doesn't believe in fate; her Father wasn't
destined to die in prison. Maybe
it was a kind of fate that led her to go out and paint; maybe she was
simply thinking of Parry. She doesn't know. Realising she's said too
much, she goes for cigarettes. Who's Bob?. He was engaged to someone
else, that someone hates him now... but she doesn't want him to have
anyone else?. Vincent's question arouses suspicion; how does he
know?. He claims he knows people like that, but she knows he knew
her-the woman who knocked, the witness against him at the trial. It's
dark, he should be going. Irene pleads that she didn't see him, but
she's the kind that always comes back, and back. She sees he means it
and offers to pack the rest of his clothes while he finishes his
smoke. Through the Deco frosted glass panels
we see his silhouette as he enters the elevator, frosted glass bricks
lit up by its passage. There's a taxi waiting and Vincent says to
head downhill.
sits in shadow as the driver tries to make conversation. Sam, the
Cabby launches into a story about a fare with a goldfish bowl,
wanting to go from the Ferry building to the Pacific Ocean, the water
slopping out on the seven steep hills in-between. Sam's a lonely guy;
picks people up, takes them places. They don't talk to him. Despite
himself, Vincent is starting to warm to this character. So where does
he want to go?. Well, if Parry tells him he'll want to know why, ask
questions. He's lonely, remember?. Lonely-and smart, as in about
people. Faces for instance, he can tell his fare has a lot of
trouble. Tense now, Vincent bluffs he doesn't have a trouble in the
World. The Cabby knows who
Vincent is, thinks his
wife gave him trouble, so he
slugged her. Sam warns Vincent not to slug him or he'll run the cab
into a hotel lobby. Taking his hand from the door handle, Vincent
offers him $500; he doesn't want it. So where does he want to go?.
Defeated, Parry replies might as well make it the Police station, but
Sam tells him not to be like that-he's doing fine, just fine.
pulls over into a quiet alley so they can talk. He
asks Parry if he bumped his wife off. He didn't. Sam thinks he hit
her with the ashtray because she made life miserable for him. He
knows how it is. Suddenly, a cycle cop roars past. The danger having
passed, Sam offers his passenger a smoke, asking him what she was
like. All right, but she hated his guts. After a while he didn't care
any more.
now, Parry asks what to do. He needs ideas, more than anything. And
he didn't kill her, why go back to San Quentin for the rest of his
life if he didn't kill her?. Sam has an idea. A friend does plastic
work, changes faces. Vincent has $1,000 and that's it. All it would
take is a coupla hundred. What's Sam's end?; nothing. It'll take
around a week if he doesn't have to touch the nose. Maybe a little
around the eyes and here and there. Has he a place to stay?-yes, a
friend, the only close friend Vincent's ever had. Sam writes down the
address; A Dr. Walter Coley in Plum Alley. He
drops Parry off at Florence Street outside a wooden building.
Inside, his friend, George Fellsinger is asleep on his bed, a copy of
the Record on
his torso. The headline reads 'Escaped
Killer in S.F.' with
a photo of Vincent Parry.
Parry is a man in his mid-forties, wearing
a mustache. The urgent buzzing of the buzzer wakes him and
he's amazed to see his old pal.
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Earnest, open-featured, George is the
kind of friend that comes through for you in a pinch. His place isn't
much, but he invites Parry in, offers a drink. He doesn't think
coming here was a clever move, the Police know they're friends. All
Vincent needs is a week, just a week. He tells George he's having
Plastic Surgery. Tonight. Then he tells George about Irene Jansen,
how she helped. They are all he has to bank on. George hands him the
spare key. He's surprised to see him, then Vincent says he was almost
a surprise to Madge Rapf when she knocked. Madge knows this Irene?...
Madge knows everybody, pesters
plain features taking a grim edge, George states all his life he's
tried not to hate people, but hates Madge for the way she testified
against Parry. He doesn't believe Gert Parry's final words were:
'Vincent did it.
Vincent killed me.' Vincent
sees it another way; Gert hated him, that's why she said it. George
disagrees; she just didn't care for him any more. Purposefully, he
leans towards the fugitive. Madge
him-she wanted to hook him, when she found she couldn't she framed
him. Vincent cracks wise that maybe she'll get run over-George
certainly has been praying she will. Spotting the trumpet on the
music stand, Vincent remarks that George still practises. Only
when the neighbors are out. Handing the trumpet to Vincent so he can
see, he mentions the keys are inlaid with semi-precious stones.
George reminds Vincent of the time he spent his last cent-$900-on a
fire opal ring for Mrs. Parry, only for her to throw it back at him.
It's time to be going-for Vincent Parry to get a new face.
the way down Kearny Street, a stranger asks for a match and almost
recognizes Vincent. A lucky escape. Finding Plum Alley, he goes to
the door marked 'WALTER
with the single word 'SPECIALIST'
beneath. Sam the Cabby opens the door and asks how it's going.
'Longest twelve blocks I ever walked.' Just
a coupla weeks ago Sam picked up a woman who'd had a face job from a
quack, it had rained and her face had melted. Not this guy, this guy
is great.
Doctor Coley is in his late sixties, a bulbous and broken nose in
front of a face with dark
eyes and more
lines than Union
Pacific. Through the smoke from his cigarette he regards the patient,
invites him to come back into the light.
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He thinks it'll work out
nicely. Round the eyes mostly, and around the mouth. Add some to the
cheeks from there-and there... He'll leave the nose alone; it's a
nice nose, be a shame to break it. Does he mind a few scars? As if
he's been in an auto wreck?. How old would he like to look?. That's
up to him, replies Vincent. Coley will make him older, not too
old, nor too young. Sam asks the doctor
not to leave too much scarring, it's a good face, that's why he
brought him. The doctor
tells Sam to wait in the other room, read a magazine. And the patient
to sit in the chair.
up at the dark skylight, Vincent asks will it take long?. Ninety
minutes-no more, no less. The doctor turns around, straight-razor in
hand. He explains to a nervous patient that he has to be clean shaven
before the operation. Alarmingly, he confides he perfected his own
special technique twelve years ago... before he was kicked out of the
medical association. Smiling, razor in hand the disgraced medico
explains his method is based partly on calling a spade a spade, he
doesn't monkey around. Doctor Coley asks for his money
and-unbelievably, Vincent doesn't run off screaming and he pays
up. All $200. Mixing the shaving brush in the soap, the Smiling
Surgeon asks if Vincent's ever seen any botched plastic jobs... if a
man like him didn't like a fellow, he could surely fix him up for
life. Make him look like a bulldog, or a monkey!. He laughs at his
little joke-he's laughing alone-and then tells Parry he'll make him
look older, but good. Vincent hopes he's not a coward when he starts
in and Doc Smiley responds that we're all cowards, there's no such
thing as courage-only fear of getting hurt. This guy must be in
demand at parties. He won't feel any pain, he'll give him some shots
to freeze his face, and he places a wet towel over Vincent's face...
a dreamlike-haze, we see what Vincent sees... a medical model of the
facial muscles becomes three, turns, eyes glowing, with Irene's face
in the middle of the inverted triangle. She's telling him it'll be
all right. Then, the Kid from the car, the one Vincent beat up,
punching at him only to become Madge, insistently knocking on the
door. A quintet of Sams, the Cabby offering him a light, which begins
to spin like a crazy wheel. Now George's honest, friendly features,
then the Doctor's, manic, grinning as he thumbs the razor.
the money? Got the money? Got the money? Now
a kaleidoscope
Doctors, spinning and dissolving into the mask again. Ever
see a botched plastic job? Ever see a botched plastic job? - and
Irene again, reassuring him. It'll
be all right... again
the Doctor's faces,
Make you look like a bulldog or a monkey... Now
there's ten of him, all laughing away manically.
he comes round to see the smiling faces of Sam and the Doctor. Parry
lies in the chair, his face wrapped in bandages. All that's visible
is his eyes, nose, mouth and hair. He's about to speak, but Coley
raises a finger in warning; don't talk, you're all taped up. There's
a space open for nourishment, he can take liquids through a straw and
smoke-with a holder. Don't
move your mouth and don't talk. The bandages can come off on the
morning of the Twelfth. He'll be healed by then and he can shave.
Well, he did a fine job. If Vincent feels sore under his arm, it's
because he had to borrow some skin from under there. Now for some
questions; for yes, just blink.
Do you have a place to stay?. Blink.
to help?. Blink.
When you get there, talk to that person using pencil and paper.
Vincent must sleep flat on his back, hands tied so he can't turn
over. Got that straight?. Blink.
up, Parry looks at his reflection in the mirror, Sam gets his coat as
Coley remarks maybe he did it, maybe he didn't. Sam says not. He's
known Sam a long time and has a lot of faith in him-that's why he
took this job. If he thought he was a killer, he wouldn't have any
part of it. Now he'll look ten years older, but feel ten years
younger. The artist in him wishes he could see the result, but he
never will. Goodbye. They shake hands as Coley wishes Vincent good
dawn is breaking as Sam drops Vincent off at George's place. They say
their farewells and, under protest Sam accepts a bill. From now on,
they don't know each other-or who fixed his face. A blink and a
handshake and Sam's gone. Letting
himself into George's humble apartment, Vincent is shocked to find
him lying dead on the floor, a bloody wound on his head. His beloved
trumpet lies next to his body, dented and the phone hangs off the
hook. The murder weapon. Why would anybody kill George?. Poor guy,
all he wanted to do-Vincent picks up the trumpet-is go to South
America with me and play the trumpet.*
he's dead-murdered. They'll think Parry did it. A tinny voice from
the ear-piece of the phone; Operator...Operator... Vincent
has to go. There's only one place for him to go...
this line was less funny in 1947, but for some reason it strikes me
as hilarious.
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Parry makes the exhausting walk to Irene's place. It's just over a
mile, uphill. Just over a mile for a man in shock, recovering from
surgery is a long walk. Going up the Filbert Street steps he's
taunted by some Joes going to work. Have
a hard night, bud?-trouble with the little woman?.
staggers on, case in hand, desperate now. He's
come five miles*, great if he can't make it now. Got
to keep climbing... when
he reaches the car-park across from the apartment building, he can't
believe his eyes; the Roadster that first picked him up sits there!.
The same gaudy striped seat cover confirms it. The sun's coming up.
Maybe it's just some wild co-incidence?. Staggering wildly, Parry
forces himself on into the lobby, pressing Irene's buzzer just in
time to slump, collapsed to the floor. *Not according to Google maps,
he hasn't.
next thing Vincent sees is Irene's beautiful face, swirling out of
the haze. She hands him a coffee with a straw. She wants the story,
but he points to his mouth so she fetches a pad and pencil. Taxi
driver helped him, bandages stay on until the twelfth, can smoke
through a holder. She
lights one for him.
His face hurts, as does his right arm. He needs
to sleep. She helps him to her room. After some much-needed sleep,
the prettiest Nurse ever brings him a tray of liquid brunch and
unties him. (Lucky
he didn't need the bathroom...) If
he wants to read, here's the paper;
tells him it says his finger-prints were on the trumpet, that apart
from his and George's there weren't any others found. They think
Parry demanded aid, which Fellsinger refused. Earnestly, she asks if
he did it. He shakes no, his eyes as earnest and honest as any ever
were. Who could have done it?. He didn't tell her about visiting
George. Reaching for the pad, he writes; He
was my closest friend! What
else hasn't he told her?. His thoughts turn to the Roadster outside
and he lies to her, shaking his head. She has to report to the
Settlement House as she teaches kids there to draw four days a week.
Vincent looks at the paper, the photos of his friend lying dead and
the photo of himself. How he used to look. Outside, unseen by anyone
but us, the Kid looks up at the apartment before returning to his
night, Vincent and Irene dine together, a rain shower outside.
Playfully, she teases him he looks better by candle light. In fact,
he looks like he's blocked a kick at a football game. Ever play?. He
shakes his head, then makes a slugging motion. Baseball. Suddenly,
the phone rings and Vincent hurries to turn off the music while Irene
answers. It's Bob, asking about dinner. She's had dinner. He wants to
drop in, in twenty minutes. Alright. It's better to let him come up,
but don't worry-she can get rid of him. They have time to finish
their coffee; Vincent can hide in the bedroom. It'td gotten so Bob
depends on seeing her, she'd like to break it off, but can't think
how to do it without hurting him. Madge knows he comes here, even
thought it funny-while telling Irene what a cheap, selfish worthless
fiancé he was. She doesn't want him; it's just she doesn't want him
to have anything. Not
even Irene's friendship. She can't understand Madge. Seems that
causing unhappiness is the only thing that gives her any.
All of a
sudden, the door buzzer goes; Bob's here and in a lot less than
twenty minutes. Vincent goes upstairs to hide while she clears the
cups and tray. An urgent knocking and Irene lets in a desperate
Madge. She's heard about George and is terrified Parry will kill her.
She says Irene is the only person she can stay with. Irene pours a
drink. Madge wants to stay, hide there, but Irene refuses. Why is she
dressed up?. She's expecting Bob any moment, so Madge decides she can
hide in the bedroom.
Oh-oh. Coldly, Irene tells her why does she have
to stick her dirty needles in?, she doesn't like it. Eyebrow raised,
the harridan claims it doesn't matter to her what Bob does. Irene
asks her to go. Then she'll
to stay with her-she makes to go to the stairs to help Irene pack,
but the artist is saved by the bell. Bob. Madge will have to take the
stairs, but Madge refuses to go; she'll be murdered.
comes in unbuttoning his raincoat. Vincent listens through the
bedroom door. Bob asks why Madge can't leave people alone?. She's
never satisfied; if it's not her family she's pestering it's her
friends, people she doesn't even know... him.
Parry is loose somewhere in this city, he has no feeling for people,
claims Madge.
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No feeling for you
back. Her face like a knife, she bursts out that he wouldn't care if
Parry found her and killed her. Face filled with disdain, he goes to
warm his hands by the fire, remarking that she's the last person
Parry wants to see, let alone kill. You
know why and you know I
know why... Irene
wants to know what kind of a riddle this is. Bob explains; Madge
pestered Parry, kept after him 'til she had a hold on him. That's why
he killed his wife-to get her out of the way. Truly ugly now, Madge
snaps back that Parry killed Gertrude because he hated her. That's
why he'll kill her. Bob isn't wavering; Parry doesn't hate Madge,
she's not the type that makes people hate. Maybe Parry didn't have
the brains to know it-Irene sits back, interested, putting a
cigarette into her mouth-she drove him to it. He hasn't any brains,
or he wouldn't have killed Fellsinger or come to San Francisco in the
first place. He's
looking at the gas chamber. Persistent as ever, Madge is not to be
shaken from her conviction; Parry has nothing to lose by killing her.
(And, if it was me, I'd take that on board...)
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Bob sneers at Madge's fussing and frothing; he's never met Parry, but
psychologically, the man's no killer. Scornful, the shrew attacks
Bob's character, attempting to demean him. He's heard it all before,
when he was a monkey and thought he wanted to marry her. She
scratches back-she can say plenty. Very true, even Parry must have
enough sense to stay away...but she cuts across him, screeching that
he never
had anything to do with her. Somehow keeping his composure, Bob's
parting shot is; 'Santa Claus is nothing to do with Christmas.' Right
on cue, the sound man underscores this with a clap of thunder. Arms
folded, the Wicked Witch of the West Coast comes over and states
'Somebody lied to you.' He says Gertrude wasn't a liar. She was a lot
of other things... 'She lied to you.' In the background, forgotten in
her own apartment, Irene listens as Bob demands Madge deny meeting
Parry in secret. Taken aback, she claims not to understand. Yes she
does-she hired someone to watch him (Bob).
Madge-I did not.Bob-But I hired your little rat
at double his price to watch you.
The very next day, he made good.
He told me a man named Vincent Parry...
visited you for four hours
the night before the murder.
I have his sworn statement.Irene-Why didn't you give it to Parry's lawyer
at the time of the trial?Bob-lt'd only have given the jury
another reason why he killed Gert.
I knew Parry was guilty, anyway, so....Irene(Suspiciously)-And besides, it would have involved you.Bob(Ashamed)-Sure. I didn't want any part of the mess.Madge-That's all a vicious lie.
He's just trying to make me look bad.
wants Madge to leave, but she refuses to go home alone. Bob refuses
to take her, so it'll have to be a taxi. Spitefully, Madge mentions
the phonograph being on earlier. Bob wants an explanation and Irene
is tense. Madge thinks it was Bob with Irene when she rang yesterday.
It wasn't him. Then who?. Bob recalls a phone call he had at work,
checking he was there. Now it fits. He asks Irene who she was with. A
man?. Irene can't resist it; her eyes full of sparkle and mischief,
she tells them. It was Vincent Parry, (Who is listening still, eyes
wide with alarm.) he dropped by to murder her.
Very funny, but Bob
persists; it was a man. Is it serious?. Taking her chance to let him
down gently as possible, Irene replies she wants to give it a chance.
Bob takes it on the chin, wishing her luck and placing his hand on
hers, offers to take Madge home. The intefering old co... I mean,
Madge wants to know when she can call Irene next. She'll be busy,
which goes down well-Madge threatening to call in a couple of days,
perhaps tomorrow night. Bob suggests throwing the sofa at her-my
choice would have been water, and they leave.
goes up to see Vincent, who's not happy at her sense of humour. She
re-assures him if he'd seen their faces, he'd know she'd handled it
right. Now he won't bother her and he won't let her either,
Vincent will be safe. Neither of them knows that outside the Kid sits
in his roadster. Watching. Maybe the clap of thunder might have
warned them...
mornings Record brings
us the news of a Woman freed
of check charges, the appointment of a Volunteer committee's
appointment to assist a Social Service group and, bizarrely, Priests
fight a seminary blaze, with eight firemen hurt. You wonder why the
firemen got hurt if
the Priests fought the fire at St.Vincents... but there I go again.
No!, the headline blasts; KILLER STILL AT LARGE,
the net being spread for Vincent Parry, the dangerous killer. Men are
watching the stations.
Another Record front
page declaims a $5,000 reward for his capture. And MODERN
inkling of a clue there...). Men
are watching the Ferry Terminal.
The Mail informs
us the search for Parry has spread over three states, helpfully
adding his vital statistics to the now-familiar picture. Also
helpfully, the camera closes in on the mugshot, so we can be
surprised when the moment comes...
is awoken by Irene. It's time. Time for the bandages to come off. She
brings him breakfast and unties him. He wanted to be woken early so
as to get a good start. How's his face?. He replies it stopped
itching like the Doc said. Irene reminds him it's a pretty big
moment, he tells her the Doc said he could make him look like a
bulldog if he botched the job. She helps him into his robe and the
big moment is here. Cutting the bandages carefully away, Irene
watches, Vincent's eyes showing his trust in her. And is that love we
see?. Piece by piece, the wrappings come off Vincent's brand new
face. Irene dabs at him with
some cotton wool for some reason, prolonging the agony. And-at
last, removes the last of the
dressings. Her hand goes involuntarily to her collar, as if she
doesn't know what to make of it. Parry is worried; 'Well?.' Then-'Is
it that bad?.' Going to the mirror, he sees this;
He sees Humphrey Bogart, with a week's stubble. Hooray!. What
was that address again?. Doc, I'd like to be Humphrey Bogart too...
ANYWAY; Vincent checks
himself over. Same eyes... same nose... Same hair. Everything else
seems to be in a different place. He sure looks
older. Irene wants to see how he looks after a shave. She'll wait
downstairs, get a fresh impression.
comes down, shaved and suited. He looks unbelievable says Irene, but
good. Her face says it all. She
likes it better, if anything. Parry tells her not to get any ideas,
not to change hers. He likes it just as it is. Just then, the record
finishes and breaks the spell, Vincent going to play the other side
once more. After all, he may not hear it again for a long time. Jo
Stafford singing Too Marvellous for Words. He
stands, awkward while she gazes adoringly at him.
He has to be going,
the sooner the better. Where?; to clear himself, find out who killed
George. He's not angry enough to take chances, but he is curious;
about his Wife's murder, George's. He's sorry for George. Eyes moist,
Irene tells him she thought she had a good life here, but now he's
going, it doesn't seem like it. Fretfully, he says he feels like he's
got the Indian sign on him, he can't win. She reminds him wherever he
goes, he'll leave fingerprints. Don't even try. He accepts this, he
guesses the only thing for him to do is get the next bus out of town.
Where to, he's not so sure-she got him some South American brochures,
but he doesn't seem sure. Crestfallen, she pouts that he does know,
but won't tell her. Okay, he does. Persistent, she asks if he thinks
she'd ever let 'them' know where he was?. Stubbornly, the answer
comes back-'Could be.' She sees through the bluff, rising and shaking
her lovely head gently. She knows it's because he's afraid she'll
follow him. Face to face. You'd be insane to follow
me...Was I insane to pick you up on the road?...Was I crazy to
let you stay here?... he puts a
hand on her cheek and kisses her.
No amount of acting compares with it;
these are two people enraptured, hopelessly lost in each other. He
says 'Yes' and kisses her again. She
tells him he doesn't want her there, doesn't need her there... he
supposes so and she goes to call a taxi.
buzzer sounds the arrival of the cab; funny how quickly they come
when you don't want them to come at all. Irene tells him he'll be
fine now, mentions his name.
He realises he'll need a new one. She
wants to choose, comes up with Alan.
Alan... Linton. Uh-uh, he knew a guy with a name like that once,
didn't like it. How about Linelle?. Alan Linelle. Goodbye Alan. Again
the insistent buzzer reminds them this is it. He wants to say more,
but there isn't any possible way. All he can say is goodbye. Going
down the hall, he presses the button and waits, looking back to see
her watching.
isn't happy at being kept waiting, Vincent-Alan nervous
of recognition. But the Doc did a great job and Alan asks for Post
and Fillmore.
The cab drops Alan at Harry's Wagon (And just how
fabulous would it be to have these places back today?) for Coffee,
Ham and Eggs, picking up the paper. The sports section is missing,
but Harry-or whoever he
is-asks what
he wants to know. Race results. Track?; Bay Meadows. This gets the
interest of the only other customer, as the season's over at Bay
The guy would have to be a cop. He saunters over, coffee in
hand and asks questions. Where's his raincoat? 'Alan' says he's
absent-minded. No sale. Okay, he hasn't got one. Why up so early?-he
couldn't sleep. Alan claims to be an Investment Counsellor. Slyly,
the cop asks what AT&T is selling for-without missing a beat,
Alan says a hundred and seventy. Where's the office?. Portland. Why's
he here?-Hiding, from his Wife, his friends... from everybody. Not
without sympathy, the cop says it can't be as bad as all that.
Brazenly, Alan advises him to spent seven years living with her, then
come down and tell him about it. Not happy at his customers doing the
grilling, Harry (or whoever) sets Alan's breakfast down. His hand
shakes lifting the cup and Eagle Eyes hasn't missed this. Inevitably,
he wants cards. Alan says his identification's at the Hotel.
Persistent, the Detective wants his address in Portland and, taut to
breaking point Alan sets down his cutlery firmly, saying lets go to
the Hotel now, then he can eat in peace. It doesn't help when Alan
tries to pay with a hundred by mistake. Harry (etc) is sorry about
that crack about Bay Meadows...
Detective asks where the Hotel is as they walk down the sidewalk.
Straight down the block. A car is coming and they wait on the kerb,
Alan leaping forward at the last second. The cop follows him and
bounces off the fender. Alan runs for it while the outraged, Italian
driver is remonstrating
loudly with the cop.
Harry (you know) arrives and hears the guy's
life-story. The Detective opens a Police box and calls it in. The
Italian shouts that this man should be arrested, then Harry
(Actually, we'll just assume he is Harry.
Shall we?.) points out he's a cop. Kennedy-the cop-informs his
Sergeant and gives Alan's description. Brown
hair, striped suit etc. Meantime,
Alan himself is checking in to the Kean Hotel on Mission Street.
that morning we see Alan Linelle stuck in his hotel room with no idea
what to do or where to do it. The sudden rapping on his door,
persistent and not to be ignored, gives Alan a fright. Opening the
door, he sees the Kid standing there, a gun in his hand. In shock, he
raises his hands, steps back into the room.
He can get $5,000 for
shooting Alan-Alive or Dead. Has he talked to the cops?, he's not
dumb; if he was, he would have talked to them. He's no dope-although
he must have looked like it when Parry was slugging him. So how
much?. $60,000. Alan is appalled-he can't come near it. She
can... Irene Jansen. He knows
she's worth a coupla hundred grand, she can spare it. Alan tries
telling the Kid Irene's untouchable-but he knows she hid him and
she'd take the rap for it, as well as an
accessory to the Fellsinger
job. She'd get twenty years.
Hands still in the air, Alan doubts it. Okay, let's be generous says
the Kid, a nasty smile on his features. She only gets ten... still
worth $60,000 to stay out.
Eyeing the gun nervously, Alan says 'No.'
Okay... the smiling blackmailer goes to the phone on the wall, taking
the ear-piece off the hook. That does it; Alan tells him to hang it
up. Tells him he's got to think it over. The kid wants to go to
Irene's for her to write the check. Apalled, Alan asks what is he?.
He replies he was a small-time crook until this moment, now a
big-time crook. He wants to know who did Vincent's/Alan's work and
they/he refuse to answer, but would like a smoke. The Kid refuses;
keep 'em up. He gets the idea Alan should turn around so he can frisk
him, which turns up nothing. Alan wants to sit down and that's okay,
but hands behind the chair so he can keep an eye on him.
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The Kid
tells Alan he didn't figure on being slugged in the Jalopy (ever been
punched in the Jalopy?, me neither, but it sounds painful...) and
wryly, Alan responds he wished he'd slugged him harder.
Kid reveals he came to in time to see Irene helping him, got her
license number. He called an auto club he knows, they gave him her
name, address and even financial status. He informs Alan he kept an
eye on her place. This time when Alan asks he gets a cigarette. The
Kid held back in case of other involved parties and followed Alan
this morning when he left. Suddenly
nervy, the Kid orders Alan up, both hands and himself, to get his
coat. Downstairs, he tells Alan to drive the Roadster. As they
put-putter off, the Kid holds a gun on Alan.
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They'd better get out of
traffic-those pinstripes will get them both picked up. Alan takes
them well out of the way-heading out to Fort Point below the bridge.
Cheerfully, the blackmailer
turns travel agent, advising Linelle Mexico's good, to go through
Arizona. Buy a car at Benton, he says, a little place near the
border. As he'll need papers, he should try the print shop there, a
buddy of his will fix him up with the right paperwork. Ask for
Ferris, tell him Baker set him up. Didn't he learn all this in
Quentin?. He's been in there twice and learned plenty.
There's some mighty smart
guys at Quentin... somehow, Alan manages to keep a straight face.
dimly realizes Linelle's taking the long way round and Alan stalls,
tells him it's the back way to her place. Partly to keep the smart
guy's mind occupied, he asks the way to Benton. Take one of those
fly-by-night buses; he plans to take one himself, soon as he gets the
cash. You see, the cops... but Alan butts in; what cash?.
'The two hundred thousand
dollars... I mean, the sixty.' Clearly, this lemon wants all of
Irene's money. Alan picks him up on it and it's clear that while the
kid still has the gun, Alan's gaining the upper hand here. This is no
gangster, just a dumb kid on the make. As they drive through a gate,
Baker is agitated, realising he's been driven to the middle of
nowhere. A road that doesn't lead to anywhere. Alan snaps down his
protest, tells him he's lived here all his life and he's telling him
it does. Just as the
kid realises it's the road under the bridge, Alan hits the brakes,
causing the kid to bash his head. They fight for the gun, Alan gets
it, ordering Baker to get out. Letting
the kid pick his hat up, Linelle tells him to take a stroll,
someplace they won't be seen. No surprises, Baker figures he plans to
kill him. Not unless he tries for the gun.
They walk over to the
bluff above Fort Point itself. Alan asks if Baker killed George. No.
Follow him there?; again, no-he
waited for him to return to the girl's place. He
explains that as Alan left in a taxi, he didn't try to follow; his
jalopy won't do better than thirty and it couldn't hope to keep up
with a cab (Unless it's in Brighton, England...) Alan tells him he didn't know the cab would make speed,
the real reason he didn't try was he knew it was already being
followed. By another car.
didn't see any car.Linelle-Tell me or I'll shoot it
out of you.Baker-I didn't see any car!Linelle-If
you want to walk away from here,
tell me if it's the same car I think it was.
I haven't got a thing to lose. Not a thing.Baker-It was a convertible coupe...
had a canvas top, it was a bright color.
I think it was orange.Linelle-Bright orange. Who was in it?Baker-I couldn't see.Linelle-Okay, I guess I got all I need.Baker-What happens to me?Linelle-That's not my worry.
You can check off the $200,000
you were going to get from the girl.
You know, it's wonderful
when guys like you lose out.
Makes guys like me think
maybe we got a chance in this world.Baker(Going for the gun)-Don't count me out so easy!.
tell me if it's the same car I think it was.
I haven't got a thing to lose. Not a thing.Baker-It was a convertible coupe...
had a canvas top, it was a bright color.
I think it was orange.Linelle-Bright orange. Who was in it?Baker-I couldn't see.Linelle-Okay, I guess I got all I need.Baker-What happens to me?Linelle-That's not my worry.
You can check off the $200,000
you were going to get from the girl.
You know, it's wonderful
when guys like you lose out.
Makes guys like me think
maybe we got a chance in this world.Baker(Going for the gun)-Don't count me out so easy!.
two struggle desperately, wrestling for the gun between them. The kid
seems to have the upper hand, slugging Linelle, clawing at his face.
Alan bites down on his thumb. Hard. With a grunt of pain, the kid
reels back... off the bluff. Getting to his feet, alan looks down on
the broken body. Thanks my good friend. Now I know who killed my
Wife and George...
spy-hole in the door opens to reveal Madge's face. Miss Rapf?. She
doesn't recognise her caller, but likes what she sees. Who are
you?. Alan tells her he's a friend of Bob. She doesn't go out
with Bob any more... That's why he's here. Amused by his
freshness, she lets him in. Alan carries a present, gift-wrapped.
Alan flirts with her and she takes the bait, flirts right back. He
lights a smoke. Luckily she doesn't recognise the voice or the
mannerisms, though he does remind her of somebody... she sets
down a cushion, kneels and unwraps his present; a box of candy.
Seeing her dress, he remarks he should have brought it in an orange
box, she seems to like orange. She confesses, it's her weakness.
Pushing it further, he guesses everything she owns is orange, even
her car. Even my car... even her favourite gem is Mexican
opal. Alan smokes as she tells him of a friend she had once, who was
as crazy about it as her. Putting down his cigarette, steel in his
voice and flint in his heart Alan reveals he gave someone a fire opal
once. It had flaws in it.
At this, Madge realises who this man is,
her face disbelieving, terrified yet disbelieving. What is it?, the
suit?, the one she followed?, or the face that doesn't go with the
eyes?. It's really me... Get out of here, Vincent... 'No,
I'm the pest now. You've always been the pest, but now I'm going to
be because I know you killed Gert and you killed George.' Shaken to
the core, she tells Vincent to go away, they'll never find him now.
He wants them to find him, he's written down his evidence that
she followed him from Irene's to George's. These facts will take the
police back to the day she killed Gert.
in pockets, he stands before her as she sits, helplessly. It must
have turned her stomach to know she couldn't get to him without
killing Gert, she put gloves on and picked up that ashtray. No
prints, just his on his own ashtray. He adds that he heard the
conversation between her and Bob, more evidence. So, he's with Bob
on this... he lets her think so, while she's alone. She killed
George because she knew Irene was interested in him (Parry) and
thought that the best way to put a stop to it. Finally, to try to
force a confession, he pulls out his ace, an envelope. It's all
written in here. Haughtily, she snaps that's no evidence, it's
just the way he figures it. Does he expect her to sign it?. She gets
up, crafty as ever. Just how did he figure she thought him mixed up
with Irene?. When the buzzer went that day she knew it wasn't Bob
told her to go away, she checked his place of work to be sure. Madge
knew Irene spent every day at his trial and that he'd escaped, put
the two together for a fit. She waited until he came out, followed in
her orange roadster. 'Prove it', she says and he waves
his envelope at her. It's all in there, he says.
says she gave George the 'I'm frightened' routine then killed him
when his guard was down. Didn't she?. 'Yes.' One word,
strangled, almost a squeak. Will she tell that to the Police?. No. He
goes for his hat, stands there dramatically. He tells her he's going
to the Police, she reminds him she hasn't signed it-and she won't.
Throwing his hat down, he goes towards her, enraged. In every paper
in the country, he's a killer-he never thought it possible to kill
anybody until this minute. Anxiety fighting her bitterness, Madge
got you now. But you've got me.
But if you don't hold on to me,
it means they're still after you.
As long as you don't have me,
you can't prove anything...
because I'm the proof.
Linelle-You'll be there.
You'll never be able to prove anything,
because I won't be there.
You need...something concrete.
You need evidence. You need me.
And without me,
you don't have a witness, do you?
Of course not. You don't have a witness...
no witness, nothing!
Linelle-I've got evidence.
Madge-Your evidence isn't any good,
because you can't prove it without me.
Linelle-And I've got you.
Madge-Don't be so sure of yourself.
Linelle-You'll never get away.
You'll never get out of my sight.
But if you don't hold on to me,
it means they're still after you.
As long as you don't have me,
you can't prove anything...
because I'm the proof.
Linelle-You'll be there.
You'll never be able to prove anything,
because I won't be there.
You need...something concrete.
You need evidence. You need me.
And without me,
you don't have a witness, do you?
Of course not. You don't have a witness...
no witness, nothing!
Linelle-I've got evidence.
Madge-Your evidence isn't any good,
because you can't prove it without me.
Linelle-And I've got you.
Madge-Don't be so sure of yourself.
Linelle-You'll never get away.
You'll never get out of my sight.
her face twisted with spite, Madge hisses that Irene wants him very
badly, she's willing to run away with him and ruin everything for
herself. He watches, horrified, disgusted as the tirade continues;
Irene wouldn't care because all she wants is him. But she doesn't
have him now and she'll never have him and that's the way she (Madge)
wants it. Nobody knows what he wrote down... but they'll believe
She grabs at a drawer on her dresser as Linelle rushes towards
her. Panicked, Madge goes to the window behind the curtain-a smashing
of glass-and a scream!. Accidentally, she's fallen through her own
window, meeting justice and fate some fourteen or so floors below.
Grabbing his hat, Alan makes a run for it, but there's already
worried voices on the stairs below, calling for the Police. Spotting
a sign for the roof, he takes the chance, finding himself out on top
of the building.
There's a fire escape, so he goes down it, making it
just as the sirens announce the cops have arrived.
Standing in the
middle of Greenwich, he looks
around, spots a tram coming. Hopping
on, he makes his escape.
The car takes him through the city, to the
terminus at Powell Street, a cop watching him suspiciously until he
gets off as the car turns around on the turntable.
walks into the White Arrow Bus Line building and leans on the counter
while the clerk finishes taking a call, his cigar in his mouth as he
'Uh-Huh's' a customer. Hanging up, he asks where he wants to go.
Absent-mindedly, he answers 'Peru'. Indiana?, no, he meant Benton,
Arizona. Looking it up in the schedule, the man has one for Kingman,
Ash Fork, Prescott, Iron Springs. Linelle wants Benton, Arizona. Lets
see... Skull Valley, Wickenberg... well whaddy'a know?, here's
Benton. $12.50. When does it leave?-when that guy over by the door
yells 'Arizona'. When will that be?-when the mood strikes him. Which
means, when they sell twelve tickets-there's two to go.
a seat on the bench, Alan listens to the other passengers gripe about
the lousy service, no-one cares about anybody else these days. A lady
sits with her children as a tired-looking traveller tells her no-one
gives a hang about the other fellow. There was a time when folks used
to give each other a helping hand. Alan goes over to the jukebox,
puts on a tune as the man decides he has something in common with the
woman. Being alone. She smiles, brightly. The start of something
beautiful, perhaps. Taking this all in, maybe is what prompts Linelle
to do it. He goes to a phone booth and calls Irene. As the door
concertinas closed behind him the cop from the terminus walks in,
alert, watchful.
Alan tells Irene it was Madge who killed them both,
but he'll never prove it. He went for a showdown, she admitted it,
then stumbled. It'll be in the papers. They'll say he pushed her, but
he wants her to know how it was. The cop is asking questions with the
clerk, who shakes his head, busy. Her face lit up, she knows he
didn't just phone about Madge; he admits he never could fool her. He
asks her to get a map of South America, look up Peru. There's a
little town on the coast called Paita. Now listen, he won't write,
they have to give it plenty of time. There's a little cafe down on
the bay. She gets the idea, tells him to hang up, just like that.
Hang up. As he does, we see the cop is still looking around, for him.
clerk tells the cop he'll keep his eye out, anything for a cop.
Selling a ticket for Phoenix, he shouts out to Ross-the man by the
door and Arizona boards. The kids are asking the woman if they can
sit by Michael, their new friend. The driver calls back; 'All set?'
and the engine throbs and roars its way out of the station, the man
who was once Vincent Parry sat anxiously in back.
rolling surf crashes and breaks from it's long journey across the
Pacific. The barman in the club pours a drink over crushed ice for
the waiter to deliver, a band playing lively music. Two parrots sit
on their swing while the dancers gaily circle on the floor and the
waiter brings Mr. Linelle his drink.
He sits, sipping through his
straw as he has done every night for... how long is it now?. Alone,
waiting alone, always alone. Perhaps for nothing.
He's shaken from
his reverie by a familiar tune, the band has struck up the tune he
used to listen to at Irene's place. What the?, looking up, he
suddenly sees her standing by the door.
Beautiful as ever. Smiling
the smile she smiles just for him. Irene makes her way to him through
the dancing couples. Standing, he says nothing-for what could
he say?. Taking her in his arms, they begin to dance.
Passage is a little like a
jigsaw put together by a blind man, with the pieces jammed together
to make them fit. The first-person perspective works, although its
inevitably a little contrived at times. It can't have been easy to do
back in 1947. The third of Bogart's four films with Lauren Bacall, it
is better to watch than it should be. There are problems-the dialogue
is a bit soupy, where fewer words would do, more are crammed in. The
co-incidences of Irene picking up Parry, Madge knowing everyone
and the cabby that picks Parry
up just happens to know a
plastic surgeon at a loose end. For
some reason, Madge fails to recognise 'Linelle's' voice, though she
was on intimate terms with Parry. The
surgery itself leaves no scars, which would win awards today-and we
all knew it would be Bogart's face under the bandages, so the
surprise factor is lacking. Watch Minority Report (2002)
for a homage to the Surgery
scene, complete with scary quack. Madge's
death was downright weird, whilst poor George Fellsinger's
brass-based demise had me laughing out loud. Bogart
himself isn't always 100% in this film-or even close to it, something
holding him back. The silly script?.
the real star of the film is San Francisco; the locations are
beautifully linked (You can take a walk around them much as Vincent
Parry did) and this helps the movie enormously. The Malloch Building,
that streamline-moderne masterpiece features (At least the exterior,
lobby and hallway-Irene's apartment is a studio set), landmarks such
as the Waldo Tunnel (Later the Rainbow tunnel and now, of course, the
Robin Williams tunnel) and the Golden Gate feature, all adding to a
realistic setting, if not premise.
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film is a treasure, but it shouldn't be. I can't quite put my finger
on why, but I'm not alone. I've read several reviews on other blogs
and the feeling is mutual. Bacall is stunning, Bogart is, well,
Bogart, but it's not
that. There are some moments of genuine tension; the roadblocks, the
near-misses. The performances do shine, though; Madge Rapf as played
by Agnes Moorhead turns from an annoying friend into a hideous
monster in a masterpiece of the Actor's trade. Houseley Stevenson's
disgraced surgeon should have taken the Golden Scalpel for best Movie
Quack; his face alone is worth seeing this film. He manages to make a
visit to his chair-in itself a leap of faith-truly terrifying. Tom
D'Andrea is Sam, the Cabby-another fine supporting turn. All in all,
I think the film conveys feelings better than reality, the few
realistic glimpses helping it all along; Parry isn't a criminal
genius, he doesn't have a clue what to do for much of the film and
that is probably most of us in such a spot. Irene's character is so
misty for Parry, the body-count piling up around him can't shake her
faith and that, too is realistic. We all know someone who loves the
wrong person for them. In this type of film-I'll bet you're thinking
of The Fugitive (1993)
here-the protagonist always solves the crime and clears his name.
While Vincent Parry achieves the former, he remains a wanted felon
and has to flee. As must I. Dark Passage is
a good film, never a great one. It makes the list here because of how
much fun it is to watch.
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Pursuits; The actor whose face is shown in the newspaper pictures of
Vincent Parry is Frank Wilcox. Warner Brothers paid Author David
Goodis the then stratospheric sum of $25,000 to make the film from
his Novel of the same name. Jack Warner was reportedly incensed to
learn that his biggest star was only seen in it for the second half.
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Shome Mishtake; Benton, Arizona does not exist, unlike Benson,
Arizona-immortalised in the
title song from the seminal Sci-Fi comedy Dark Star (1974).
I am indebted to this incredible site, without which the preceding
review would have read something like this 'And then Parry ran down
another road. It was on a hill or something...'
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How does Parry make it to Peru? How did he have the $$$, get a passport, have $$$ to live there ? It would have been great if the movie addressed that. Guess Irene could paint anywhere in the world. But still, tidy up the unanswered questions. Sigh.