Angeles, 1938
(Spoilers Throughout; Be Warned!)
the grandly-named Bigelow Aeronautical Corporation at Chaplin Field,
a beautiful little plane is rolled out, Old Man ‘Peevy’ Peabody
giving Pilot Cliff Secord some last minute advice.
They have hopes
for the Nationals with this one. The Gee Bee is a handful, to say the
Sticking some lucky gum on the rudder and the picture of his
girl on the instrument panel, Cliff takes her up as the crew watches
expectantly, unaware Peevy snatched the lucky gum from the rudder.
Buzzing the field in a low pass, he continues the
test flight as, nearby a Ford V8 flees from the Police and FBI, both
sides exchanging gunfire.
The cops have pistols – the bad guys have
a Tommy gun. In back of the Ford is a box marked ‘Authorised
Personnel Only’. Cliff flies over the procession as they take to a
field and takes some rounds from the Thompson.
Immediately, the plane
loses control and, trailing smoke, he makes for the field skimming
past an oddly-rural billboard for the new Neville Sinclair flick.
Meanwhile the sole surviving crook stashes the contents of the box in
the empty hangar, switching them for a Hoover he spots on a
workbench. Back outside, he drives off, pursued by the Feds. As luck
would have it, the thief is forced to bail as Cliff’s plane comes
in to land, the undercarriage smashed away by the impact as it hits
the V8.
The Ford hits a fuel bowser and is incinerated in the
Totalled, the Bee Gee catches fire and the ground crew
gets Cliff out just in time. There goes the Nationals.
FBI aren’t sympathetic to the loss of income the crash represents
and after slugging it out with one of the agents, a hard-case named
Fitch, Cliff’s lucky not to be in jail.
Questioning Wilmer, the
injured hoodlum, the G-Men Fitch and Wooly want to know one thing:
where’s the package?. Blown to hell… Retrieving the mangled
remnants of the Hoover from the wreck, the FBI takes it away,
confident they have the right gizmo.
Hughes Aircraft Corporation, the legendary Aviator and
multi-millionaire Howard Hughes takes the call from the Feds
personally; there can be no doubt… the X-3 has been destroyed.
Hughes tells his visitors – an Army General and a Government man,
there’s no chance of rebuilding it. Two Test Pilots died flying it
and he flatly refuses to make another, tossing the blueprints onto
the fire.
at the airfield, things have gone from bad to worse; Bigelow wants
the money for his bowser and the fuel in it. The only option is for
Peevy and Cliff to work the old clown act again, to pay off the debt.
That means ‘Miss Mabel’ - the old Standard J-1. Jumping into the
cockpit, Cliff discovers the gizmo the crook stashed. The dingus –
whatever it is, is streamlined aluminum, beautifully crafted and
purposeful. A leather harness invites further inspection. Finding a
button, Cliff ignores Peevy’s advice and pushes it.
A turbine spins
up and suddenly, with a colossal roar, flame shoots from the ports
beneath the gadget and it hurtles itself into the air, careening
around the hangar to come to rest against the office wall.
Cautiously, Cliff kills the device by hitting the button with an
extended broom. Peevy wonders what the damned thing’s for. And
Cliff answers by putting on the harness. It’s a rocket pack.
night, the sound of sawing can be heard outside ‘Lucky Lindy’s’
Flight School. Cliff and Peevy are hard at work ‘borrowing’ the
statue of Lindbergh to use as a Test-Pilot for their mystery find,
driving it off in a pick-up.
the jaw-dropping home of the famous Actor Neville Sinclair, Mobster
Eddie Valentine isn’t happy at the loss of two of his boys. They
didn’t expect the FBI, but Sinclair thought Snatch and Grab was
Eddie’s specialty; it’s what he paid him for. The Swashbuckling
star toys with a rapier as Valentine wants to know why the package
they stole is so important to the Feds, but a winning smile is all
the answer he gets. Taking his goons, he makes to leave, but Sinclair
stops them in their tracks by revealing it’s a rocket. So what
happened to it?; only Wilmer knows – and he’s in the Hospital,
surrounded by cops. When Sinclair proposes a visit, Valentine finds
it hilarious – until he finds the point of the Actor’s sword
against his throat.
He wants the rocket. And he wants it now. He
offers double the price, but the quietly furious Gangster demands
the rocket in a nearby field, Cliff and Peevy fire the pack remotely,
testing Lindy’s famous luck to new limits as the peg is ripped from
the ground, substitute-Pilot and Pack disappearing into the night sky
like a gravity-defying comet. Just when they think it’s gone
forever, the wooden Lindy and his extraordinary aircraft come
hurtling back to Earth, forcing the two to duck as it crashes to
Earth, ending up head first in a pile of dirt. As the pair carry the
statue back to the truck, Peevy wants nothing more to with the weird
contraption; the FBI are involved. Cliff, however, sees an
opportunity to make some real money. Seeing Lindy’s head has been
worn away by the crash, Cliff reasons they’ll need a helmet.
the lodging house for young actresses Jenny is putting a stocking on
a shapely leg when the sound of a horn announces her date has
arrived. The matronly Mrs.Pye warns the young couple she locks up at
eleven sharp. Jenny thinks she’s got the part in a Neville Sinclair
movie; just one line. Cliff wants to see a Cagney movie tonight, but
it’s Jenny’s turn to pick and she’s chosen ‘Wings of
Honor’ - the new Neville Sinclair picture.
they take their seats, the newsreel assures America Herr Hitler has
no intention of invading Czechoslovakia – and the latest Zeppelin
‘Luxembourg’ is on a goodwill visit to the United States,
culminating in Los Angeles. Cliff isn’t buying the ‘goodwill’
part – cynical, eh?.
Wilmer recuperates, asleep in his hospital bed, a massive, mis-shapen
figure quietly breaks in through the window, while the Nurse and Cop
on guard drink coffee and listen to the radio outside the room. This
is Lothar – and he wants to know where the rocket is. In a voice of
pure gravel, he interrogates the helpless goon, pulling and lifting
his battered body to get what he wants. By the time Mr. and Mrs.
Vigilant get there, Wilmer has been folded like an unwanted bill.
Bull Dog cafe is one of those places you used to everywhere in
Roadside, America; restaurants shaped like hats, diners shaped like
hotdogs or teapots. Programmatic they call it these days. The Bull
Dog is, as the name suggests, a giant Bulldog. Outside, an actual
bulldog waddles towards the joint, while inside, Skeets, Malcolm and
the rest of the usual crowd laughs as Cliff describes the cornball
Neville Sinclair movie. At the end of the flick, Sinclair’s
character flies over enemy lines to drop a bottle of champagne on
them. Jenny insists her hero was just being chivalrous. Malcolm, an
old-timer doesn’t recall any liquor stores when he was at
the front. Fixing a broken toy plane for little Patsy, his fingers
are shaking so much the wheel ends up in Jenny’s soup. Being shot
down does that for you.
Jenny hankers after a change of scene; somewhere not the
airfield. Where?; the Copa?,
the Brown Derby? - how about the South Seas Club?. Undeterred, she
offers a deal; they’ll have a real night out on the town after he
wins the National. She isn’t best pleased when the regulars tell
her about Cliff’s ‘landing’ today. Why is she the last to hear
the news?. Cliff points out she’s never there, always chasing a
part – like the time she got to stand behind Myrna Loy holding some
grapes. When she flounces off, Millie, the cafe owner tells the flyer
to go after her, but she’s hopped on a coach.
at the house he shares with Peevy, Cliff finds the old man working on
an old radio. Unburdening himself, the younger man can’t figure the
girl out; she hangs around with Hollywood types talking about Movie
stars all day. Peevy explains that’s just her job – she doesn’t
care about phoneys, she cares about him. Secord wants to make
something of himself, but Peevy tells him if she flies to coop, it’s
his fault. What does he know anyway?. Cliff leaves him to it, cutting
up the old radio with a hacksaw.
day, bright and early, Cliff comes down to find the old man asleep.
Curious, he examines his work, to find the old radio has now become
an Art Deco helmet, like something from a science-fiction serial. In
place of goggles, two smoked visors for protection, a grille over the
mouth and a prominent fin.
the Castle, the Laughing Bandit is fighting the Villanous, well,
Villain to the death, swords flashing, buckles swashing. All
around them, their men fight, a melee of chaos.
Gallantly, the hero
flips his blade to send the flower pinned to the villain’s chest
into the hands of the fair maiden, engaging in witty repartee as he
does battle with the dastard. But who is the mysterious and elusive
Bandit?. Removing his mask, he reveals himself to be both Neville
Sinclair and ‘Sir. Reginald.’ Zounds!.
Despatching the foe and swinging on a chandelier rope, the Bandit quaffs from a tankard and the Fair Maiden delivers her line… ‘Oh, my prince, would that you drink of my lips as deeply...’. More Ham than Walmart. Sinclair’s features twist into a grimace at the insult and the Director yells to cut.
Despatching the foe and swinging on a chandelier rope, the Bandit quaffs from a tankard and the Fair Maiden delivers her line… ‘Oh, my prince, would that you drink of my lips as deeply...’. More Ham than Walmart. Sinclair’s features twist into a grimace at the insult and the Director yells to cut.
As the harassed Director takes his leading lady off for
impromptu acting lessons, the extras relax between takes,
among them Jenny. Her audition was better – but what does
that matter when the Producer’s niece wants the part?. As
they go for take 28, Cliff Secord shows up backstage. This
time, all goes well and Cheesey delivers her line adequately.
Did I say ‘all goes well?’ - well, up to the part when Cliff
accidentally knocks the scenery over, the flat almost
flattening the Star, who escapes impending flatness by
ducking under a table.
Embarrassed, Secord explains he just came by to see Jenny. Laughing it
off with a quip, Sinclair’s mood changes when it’s realised the villain
has been stabbed. For real. Taking charge, Sinclair calls for his driver
to take the stricken Actor to the Hospital, before rounding
angrily on the Director. This is meant to be a closed set. He
demands that Jenny be banned from the lot. Cliff’s apology isn’t going down well, but he wants to
explain; he’s found something, something really big. He
explains it’s an engine which you strap to your back.
Overhearing the conversation, Sinclair cannot believe his
luck. The Rocket. When Jenny gets her papers Cliff is left
stranded, removed from the set. Suddenly all charm, Sinclair
intercepts the heartbroken young actress and offers the
tearful girl the role of the Saxon Princess. They could discuss
it over dinner?; he has a table at the South Seas Club… her
star truly struck, Jenny agrees. The Air Races and Malcolm is selling programs to the
bleachers as the places race neck and neck, wing-tip to wing-
tip. Signing off for a brand-new bowser, (And ordering the
driver to leave this one in a safe place) Bigelow demands to
know where Secord is; the kid’s late.If he’s a no-show, they’ll
need to find a new hangar. Hearing this, Malcolm heads
towards ‘Miss Mabel.’ He’ll give them a show… Eddie Valentine and his thugs are among the crowd; they’ve
searched everywhere for the rocket, to no avail. All they
found in the old plane was Jenny’s picture; so maybe she
knows something. Rumbling up on his Harley, Cliff sees
Malcolm take the old plane out, the announcer mistaking
the veteran for Secord. Horrified, Cliff and Peevy can only
watch as the old J-1 starts misfiring, smoke pouring from the
worn-out old plane. Cliff runs for the rocket… Unawares, Malcolm is drifting towards the race lane; a
terrible tragedy is seconds away, the racers scattering to
avoid the stricken biplane. In the Hangar, Peevy has caught
up with Cliff to find him donning the rocket-pack. They
haven’t tested it properly!. Relenting, Peevy runs him
through the improvements he’s made and, for luck, hooks the
gum out of the pilot’s mouth and slaps it onto the tank. With
the helmet on, Cliff looks like a hood ornament. Looking up,
he presses the button and Peevy is blasted off his feet as
Secord is thrown upwards into the sky. To the amazement of spectators, pilots and gangsters all,
Cliff whooshes over the stands, passing the racers to smash
through Mabel’s bottom, startling the hapless Malcolm,
who’s knocked cold by the joystick in the process. Clambering
up onto the lower wing, Cliff desperately tried to revive the
old-timer, but is thrown clear, falling into thin air.
Powering up, he zooms back to the plane and accidentally
kicks the joystick in the co-pilot’s seat behind, sending the
plane rearing into a climb and him back into freefall. If at
first, you don’t succeed… the plane is now diving, luckily
towards a safe place. The same safe place the shiny new
bowser happens to be parked. Desperate, Cliff unclips
Malcolm’s harness and blasts the pair of them from the
doomed aircraft. Dropping Malcolm off*, Cliff zooms away
into the sky – leaving the assembled Press-men – and
Mobsters to scramble for their phones and cars. A Rocket-
Man!; what a scoop!. *On what looks suspiciously like a disguised stuntman’s air-
bag, but is meant to be a partially-inflated balloon from the
show. The rocket sears through the sky, propelling Cliff Secord
through the clouds.
Coming across a Ford Trimotor, he gives
the passengers something to tell their grandchildren with
his fly-past. Until, with a cheeky salute, he accidentally kills
the throttle. Plummeting to Earth, he’s spotted by Peevy in
the pick-up as he manages to re-ignite the rocket and collects
a sheet from a woman’s laundry as he flashes past.
Hurtling through orange grove and wheat field alike, he
skims like a stone across a pond to come to an undignified
halt. Peevy catches up with him and finds his steaming
protégé sat in the water. Cliff liked the ride, but Peevy
reminds him he doesn’t know little details like fuel
endurance, plus he has a rudder; the vane on the helmet
steers the whole contraption.
Spotting cars approaching, they decide to beat a hasty
retreat – but the old Ford won’t start. Peevy puts it in neutral
as Cliff climbs in back and gives the old jalopy a rocket-
assisted getaway. Valentine and co. can only watch in
disbelief as their prize escapes them once more. At the airfield, Bigelow is assailed by a legion of newshounds,
all eager for more about the rocket. One problem; he doesn’t
have a clue about any of it – another, what to call the rocket-
flier?. Rocket-Boy?. Missile Man?. Looking out of his office
window, Bigelow spots a Pioneer Petroleum sign. Wait…
Pioneer - Rocketeer. Next day, Cliff joins the crowds jostling to buy the papers, but
at the studio, Neville Sinclair is less happy about the
headlines. However, the last word on the news falls to
Howard Hughes, who assures the two red-faced FBI men that
the vacuum cleaner they recovered won’t fall into the wrong
hands. That night, the two unlucky Feds call at Bigelow’s office, to
find it trashed, papers scattered all over the place. Neater,
perhaps, is Bigelow’s corpse. It’s been folded in half. A
notepad bears the imprint of the last words he ever wrote;
1635 Palm Terrace and we see the original note held in
Luthor’s vast paw.
The giant lumbers towards the house as,
inside, Peevy pores over diagrams and schematics. Hearing a
sound, he grabs a hammer. Cliff pulls up on his Harley just as
the back door gives way with a tinkle of glass. Cliff throws
the hammer and somehow misses, scoring a hit with a
trophy. It doesn’t even slow the monstrous assassin. Barging
the front door, Cliff tries to bust in, until Lothar unlocks it to
send the airman sprawling. The FBI come screaming up and
swarm over the front of the house as Cliff is rammed through
the ceiling as if he were a child’s doll. The creature speaks!;
‘Where is it?.’ The answer is: hastily concealed beneath a
lampshade in plain sight. As Cliff tries to act dumb, the light
from six headlamps floods the room and Fitch, one of the FBI
men calls for Secord and Peabody to open up. Tossing Cliff through a table, the mis-shapen killer draws a
pair of toy guns. Well, they’re 1911 Colt .45’s, but they look
like toys in those mammoth fists. Opening fire, he’s met with
a fusilade from the G-Men, Tommy guns and pistols blazing
into the wooden house and blowing Lothar’s hat off. Bending
to retrieve it, he spots Peevy’s diagram and steals it, crashing
through a side door to make good his escape. While the
going’s good, Peevy and Cliff follow, the latter grabbing the
rocket and helmet. The South Seas Club and the band is playing Begin the
Beguine. As Melora Hardin (Exquisite, herself) steps out from
a giant clam behind the soloist, Neville Sinclair brings Jenny
down the steps where they rub shoulder with Clark Gable.
Jenny wears a silk number and looks fabulous. Right at home.
Charm set to overdrive, Sinclair turns on the charm and this
time, it’s W.C. Fields who arrives to greet the matinee idol.
Before Sinclair can get to work, however a ‘telephone call’
beckons and he leaves Jenny to the dubious care of Fields.
![]() |
Production Still of Jenny |
office in back of the club, a mermaid in a tank forming part
of one wall. One of Valentine’s men gets off the phone to tell
him ‘Spanish Johnny’ is checking out the Bull Dog cafe. When
Sinclair informs the Hoodlum that the girl he’s with is Cliff’s,
Valentine is all for interrogating her, but the actor won’t
hear of it. They’ll do it his way. If this means folding any
more of his men in half, Eddie warns – he’ll kill Sinclair. As a
parting shot, Valentine threatens the star that if he goes
down, he’s spilling everything, taking Sinclair down with
him. Malcom enters the Bull Dog as, upstairs, in the dog’s head so
to speak, an anxious Secord and Peevy are hiding out,
listening to the news bulletin. The helmeted mystery man
disappeared into the Baldwin hills moments after the daring
rescue and has yet to step forward and identify himself. But
air circus owner, Otis Bigelow, promises his bird man will
return. Until then, Los Angeles is buzzing. Who is the
Rocketeer?. And now, back to our programme of dance band
favourites… switching off the radio, Peevy outlines his idea.
They’ll call the FBI, get rid of the damn thing.
Cliff reasons the FBI will just lock them up; they think they were
shooting at them at the house. Knocking up, Malcolm tells the two
that Bigelow’s office is crawling with cops. And he’s been killed.
Cliff has had enough; he climbs down to make the call. Two cars full of hoods rumble to a halt outside and as Cliff is
making his call, they breeze in. Spotting the danger, he
pranks the FBI man answering the call and sits down at the
counter, next to Peevy. The goons tell Millie they are looking
for a Pilot, Cliff Secord by name. They offer money as a
finder’s fee, but no-one’s biting.
Gamely, Millie tells them to order or leave and Spanish Johnny
sends a pie display crashing to the floor. Guns are drawn as the mask
of politeness slips. Two bullets silence the radio and throwing
old man Peevy aside, ‘Spanish’ grabs hold of Cliff.
Peevy is held over the griddle and a cocked pistol tells Cliff
not to try anything. Spotting Jenny’s number on the wall,
Johnny Español pulls out her photograph. As Luck would
have it, Lady Luck left her phone number… Jenny’s room-mate takes the call, Johnny pretending to be a
florist with flowers from Cliff. Cleverly, the dope tells him
she’s at the South Seas. Cliff listens intently as the goon tells
his subordinates. She’s with the Limey. Leaving two
meatheads to guard the diner’s captive patrons, Johnny
blows. One of the knuckle-draggers starts perusing the
photos on the wall, spotting a picture of… Cliff with Jenny.
Slowly, the penny drops – as does the moron when he gets a
face-full of Cliff’s fists. Skeets jumps the other dope and Peevy
leaps the counter to subdue him, a shot going through the
ceiling. Millie puts the full-stop on things with a well-placed
(And rubber, if you look closely enough) frying pan to the
skull. Never upset the chef. Scrambling up the ladder, Cliff buckles up, a furious Peevy
protesting the only place the rocket is going is back to the
Feds. He loves her. Cliff loves the girl – he has to go, but
promises when he’s through the thing goes back. Finally,
Peevy spots where the punk’s bullet went, a ricochet hole in
the back of the rocket-pack testament to bad luck. It’ll take
hours to fix, but there aren’t any hours to fix with…
improvising, the old man patches the leak with the lucky
Stepping outside onto the roof, the Rocketeer sends
himself – and Peevy, flying once more. As he regains his
senses, the old man finds himself staring down the barrel of
a Colt Official Police. Back at the South Seas, Neville Sinclair is busy charming the
knicker elastic from Jenny, who is naturally smitten with her
elegant new surroundings. He wants to dance – but there’s no
music. He hears music anyway… don’t you just want a
bucket?. As the Rocketeer zips past Grauman’s Chinese
Theatre, the patrons of the club watch as Sinclair leads Jenny
onto the deserted dance floor. Sine musica.
Arriving outside, Cliff stows his gear in a bag he didn't have when
he took off and which looks too small for the pack and helmet anyway.
Sorry. Sinclair is working the girl hard now, giving her the
full treatment; One day, Jenny a man’ll look into those eyes
and drown. (To be fair, every man watching this film is
halfway under; she is stunning...) Luckily for Sinclair, the
band that wasn’t there a second ago are now all waiting in
position and they strike up a tune. I really should stop nit-
picking. Everyone in the place has partnered up and the floor
is filled with couples who didn’t need the loo or a drink. Ok;
I’ll stop!. Smashing a window, Cliff breaks in and, with his thankfully
now big-enough sack, stows it in the laundry, emerging into
the Club proper in a waiter’s tunic. He isn’t best pleased to see
his girl in the arms of the actor, her figure showcased
beautifully by her dress, her tight, firm but... luckily (But not
for my blood pressure) the sumptuous Melora is back to rub it
in with her rendition of ‘When Your Lover Has Gone.’
Seeing the song is making Jenny sad, Sinclair probes her for more
about Cliff and she reminisces, unwittingly giving Sinclair –
let’s not forget he’s a total shit – background to use. The
waiter puts a bowl down with a message written on a scrap of
paper. Meet me by the big fish now. The Rockewaiter tells an
impatient Sinclair a fan of his sent some soup over. So where
is Cliff now?. She’s about to tell the cad Secord has an engine
when he ‘accidentally’ knocks her drink into her lap. Angrily,
Sinclair orders the World’s clumsiest flying waiter to fetch
something to clean it up, but before he can get more about
the rocket, she makes an excuse to duck out for a second. Pulling Jenny into some shrubbery, (Why not?) Secord tells
her about Bigelow’s murder. They’re trying to get to him
through her. Prepare for a shock – he’s the Rocketeer. The
Rocke-who?. She’s the only person in LA who hasn’t read the
papers. Before he can explain, Spanish Johnny and goons
appear and he tells her to get to her Mom’s place. She asks for
one good reason to believe a word of this... he’ll go out of his
mind if anything happened to her. They kiss. Irritably,
Sinclair waits alone at the table, where the note has surfaced
in Jenny’s soup. The girl herself makes to leave as Cliff spots
something that confirms his suspicions; Sinclair giving
orders to the hoodlums.
The heat intensifies as Lothar unwinds his enormous frame from
a taxi outside. And Secord bumps right into him. With Lothar, Spanish
Johnny and henchman in pursuit, Cliff makes a break for the rocket
Ducking into the laundry, he scrabbles among several dozen
identical laundry bags, desperate to find the right one as
Lothar batters the handy reinforced steel door. A Maximum
Security Laundry?. Finally breaking in, the goons spot Cliff’s
booted legs in the chute just as a furnace blast propels them
from sight. (From below, if you watch the sequence frame-by-
frame, but you don't have to, Dear friends - I, the Volcano-Cat)
am here to do it all for you.) A maid is tossing away some laundry in the Ladies’ Powder
Room above when a giant hood ornament erupts from the
chute onto a trolley and roars out into the club, causing
mayhem. Eddie Valentine leaves his office to find the
Rocketeer zipping around causing panic and generally
setting table cloths alight. Jenny has just managed to find a
cab when the patronage emerges screaming in terror.
Sinclair orders a flunky to lock the doors; they’ve got him
trapped!. Seeing something’s amiss, Jenny runs back, but is
locked out.
Landing on an ice sculpture, the Rocketeer sends
it crashing through the doors and she enters. Before the
flying man can escape, Sinclair grabs a tommy gun and
blasts away to send a hanging ‘fisherman’s net’ down,
catching the flying fish. So to speak. Spotting Luthor’s advance, the Rocketeer hits the switch and
butts him to the floor, but the big man is up in no time,
drawing a pistol to finish Cliff off. Jenny k.o.’s the lummox
with an ornamental seahorse. Looking up, Cliff sees a way
out; a stained-glass skylight and blasts off through it,
narrowly escaping the hail of tommy gun fire that follows.
Not so lucky is Jenny, whose own exit is halted by a less than
charming Sinclair and a napkin. Is it me, or does it smell of
chloroform?. Jenny slowly comes to to find herself on a bed in the home of
Neville Sinclair. The door’s locked, but through a window she
gets a glimpse of Sinclair himself closing a secret panel in
the library. She’s back on the bed feigning sleep as he enters
with brandy and smelling salts. Does he have to drug all his
women to seduce them?. Jenny confronts him, but ever the
actor he tells her he was forced to kidnap her. He’s a victim
too. They’re blackmailing him. He gives her a line, but being
a fan she recalls he said the same words to Garbo. Trying
again, he gives her the ‘I can make you a star’ bit, but she’s
not buying; he said the same to Lombard. Moonlight on
Broadway... giving up the schmaltz (thankfully), he tells her
she can’t be comfortable in that gown. Disappointingly, he
means to offer her another outfit, revealing he keeps a
wardrobe full of women’s clothes. Judge not lest ye shall be
judged, I say. Offering her a sheer back number, he starts
with the old favourite, ear-nibbling... Trying to come to her senses, Jenny is confused. Does he want
her to try the dress on?. Desperately, he replies. In the
changing room, she calls to him to help her out of her dress
and he’s there like a dog at a Butcher’s. Am I being too
slushy?. As he reaches for the zipper, she gives it to him with a
vase. Out like a light. She goes through the house, but knocks
over a candelabra and rouses the suspicions of Luthor, who is
sat downstairs getting around some chicken drumsticks.
Backing into a room, she finds herself in the library.
Searching for the book that activates the secret panel, she
sees The Conquests of Casanova. Wish she’d kicked Sinclair
when he was down, don’t you?.
The book opens the panel and she finds that unlike Errol Flynn’s
house, Sinclair doesn’t have a sex dungeon, but a radio and Peevy’s
diagram of the rocket. Quickly, she tucks the drawing into her dress,
next to her firm and burgeoning resolve. Flipping on the transmitter,
she calls for help, but gets a german speaker. Maybe a radio
ham from Hamburg?. The Nazi book she finds next to the
radio tells a different story. Sinclair is a spy!. Said spy opens
the bookcase panel and Jenny screams as Lothar bears down
on her. Arriving back at the Bull Dog, the Rocketeer sneaks round
back and dumps the helmet and rocket-pack in the garbage.
Tomorrow’s not Thursday, right?. It’s late and the place is
deserted, so he climbs to the loft to find that is too. Little
Patsy calls up; startling him. He comes down as the phone
rings. It’s Valentine, offering an exchange; at Griffith
observatory, 4 a.m. by some statues. He comes alone or Jenny
gets it. Frightened, Patsy asks what will happen to Jenny
and a distracted Cliff rebukes her before apologising. But,
before he can explain how the Rocketeer will save Jenny, the
FBI bursts in. He’s surrounded. Meanwhile, Peevy explains to Howard Hughes how he
improved the Rocket-pack by simply bypassing the pressure
valve. As ever only truly relaxed in the company of fellow
engineers, Hughes comments that the helmet-rudder
addition was a work of genius. Praise from the Master,
indeed. Just then, the Feds burst in with a handcuffed Cliff.
There’s no sign of the rocket – or, for that matter of FBI search
procedures. Fortunately, Howard Hughes has a brain and
orders* Wooly to remove the cuffs. He asks if Secord knows
who he is; what pilot doesn’t?. He designed the Cirrus X-3
himself, and informs him the pack was stolen from his
factory. And he wants it back. Cliff can’t do that – not with
Jenny in peril!. Hughes tries another tack; showing Secord a
movie. *Yes, ordered; when Howard Hughes gave an order, it was
obeyed, not matter who you were.
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Rocketeer Creator Dave Stevens gets a cameo here as the Nazi test-pilot.
personally. Hitler and his cronies with a test-pilot, a rocket
strapped to his back. Their prototype suffered with the same
design flaw as Hughes’; overheating of the combustion
chamber. Kaboom. He solved the problem, leaving the
German threat irrelevant... until America got their hands on
the next film...
A propaganda cartoon, this short is entirely more chilling;
and it cost a man’s life to get this film out of Nazi Germany.
A New Beginning... A dreaming sky is filled with a swarm of
animated Nazi Rocket-troopers, the Nazi dominion extended
across Europe. Peevy’s thoughts are clear as he watches the
mad dream unfold. And to America, the Stars and Stripes
falling in flames – Washington helpless to prevent the
airborne invaders. The American Eagle melts to become the
Nazi ‘chicken’. Now Cliff can see the terrible implications for
America and the Free World if the Rocket falls into enemy
hands. Today Europe, tomorrow the World!. Once more, Hughes asks where his rocket is; but Cliff needs it
one more time. Tired of the kid gloves, Fitch threatens Secord
with the entire book; everything from Grand Theft to Treason.
With the cuffs about to re-appear, Cliff spills; they’ve got his
girl. Hughes is understanding, but says the FBI can handle it.
Cliff has to go alone or else... he can handle Valentine.
At the mention of the Mobster, Hughes informs the pilot that
the gang is merely muscle for a Nazi agent; somone believed
to be highly-placed in Hollywood society, but as yet
unidentified. Putting the last piece together, Secord realises
it’s Neville Sinclair. The G-Men don’t believe a word of it. The
Swashbuckler?. No way!. Frantic, Cliff decks Fitch and breaks
away to leap onto a hanging scale model of a giant
seaplane. Is that Sprucewood?. The model reaches the end of
its rail and Cliff drops to the ground outside the hanger,
leaving the model to sail off into the night. Delighted,
Hughes observes ‘The sonovabitch will fly...’. Griffith Observatory, oh-Dear o’clock and a 1931 Phantom II
(See?; I’ve got IMCDB too!) Rolls up to the waiting Valentine
and assorted thuggery. The beauty looks like a child’s pedal
car to Lothar, who gets out to bring Jenny to the Gangster.
Neville Sinclair tells Valentine to cheer up; he’s about to make
himself a fortune. More than enough to repair his Club and
plug his ulcer. Jenny watches in disbelief as The Rocketeer
comes in to land, removing his helmet to walk purposefully
through the parting goons to face Valentine and Sinclair –
who tells him to take the Rocket off. First, says Cliff, let Jenny
go, emphasising his point by lowering a thumb over the
launch button. The steel in his eyes can’t be denied, so
Sinclair makes to hand her over, drawing a Walther and
pressing it to her temple. Bluff called, the Rocketeer asks the Racketeer what it’s like
working for a Nazi. Does he get paid in Dollars or
Deutschmarks?. This is news to the Mobster, but Sinclair
laughs it off; the kid’s been flying too high, all that thin air’s
got to him. Jenny tells valentine to ask about the secret radio
room and, wising up, one of the wise guys trains his
Thompson onto Lothar. Sinclair says what does it matter who
the Gangster is working for – it matters to him. He might be a
crook, but he’s a Patriotic one damnit!. He don’t work for no
two-bit Nazi – and pulls his piece. Let the girl go. Laughing
sinisterly – well, how else should a Nazi laugh? - the actor
calls out; ‘Sturmabteiling angrieffen!’ At which the storm
detachment does indeed attack, the well-hidden Stormtroops
surrounding Eddie’s* men. Left with little choice, Eddie and
his men drop their guns. *Now he’s on our side, he’s Eddie. The thrumming noise in the air heralds the arrival of the
monumental Luxembourg, the Zeppelin filling the night sky
above the observatory. Get the rocket, quickly!, orders
Sinclair. As the pack is removed, Sinclair turns to leave,
wishing Eddie a Happy Valentine’s day as a parting shot.
Before the Germans can mow down the Mob, however,
powerful searchlights are trained on the party and the FBI
calls for the Nazis to put down their guns. Sinclair orders
Lothar to shoot Secord, but he dives to one side and hits the
button, propelling him and an unwary Nazi through a fence
into the safety of the undergrowth.
Grabbing a Tommy gun, Eddie lets the stormtroopers have a
taste of lead and the FBI join in, Fitch warning not to hit the
looming Zeppelin: it’s full of hydrogen. On the roof, Sinclair fires away at the advancing Feds as
Lothar drags Jenny to the rope-ladder the Luxembourg has
thoughtfully lowered. Aboard, the traitor orders the Captain
to take the ship out of range. A waiting Gestapo man angrily
asks where’s the rocket?, Sinclair countering they have the
girl: the rocket will come to them.
Snatching the unconscious Nazi’s pistol (A Mauser C96
‘broomhandle’ for the cosplayers out there), Cliff dashes
back into the fray as the combined forces of America and Her
Gangsters push the Nazis back, the irony of the situation
clearly not lost on Eddie Valentine. The Zeppelin is making a
getaway, but then the assemblage spots The Rocketeer
preparing to give chase from the roof.
(It’s the Rocketeer!)
Blasting up onto the horizontal stabiliser, The Rocketeer
grabs a cable, falling down to rip a large section of fabric
from its vertical counterpart, aka the rudder, before making
his way beneath the World’s Biggest Swastika for’ard. That’s
forward to those in the cheap seats. The rudder is jammed,
much to the Teutonic constertaion of the crew. Meantime, The
Rocketeer has found a maintenance hatch atop the gigantic
airship and readies his Mauser for it’s knocking-overboard
when Luthor bangs the hatch open. Oops. Snapping on a
safety-belt, the giant hefts a hefty wrench and menaces our
hero, who tries a kick to the pills when the big guy is
distracted by his favourite hat being blown off. Balls of steel.
Knocking Cliff over the side, Luthor is caught by surprise as a
second later The Rocketeer powers around from beneath the
airship to return the favor. In the cockpit, the Captain reassures Sinclair his is the finest
pilot in Germany. But they’re not in Germany, as the out-cold
Luthor demonstrates by swinging through the windscreen at
the end of his tether (Well, it’s been hard for everyone),
sending Deutschland’s finest flyer, well, flying through a
window to make Germany’s worst landing on Los Angeles. Is
there a pilot in the house?. Appalled at the damage to his
oversized assassin, the Gestapo man screams that it’s all
Sinclair’s fault, but Herr Kapitän says they must shed ballast:
they are too heavy. Eager to comply, Sinclair shoots the
Gestapo man when he berates him as a mere Actor, the
German G-Man falling out of the window. Summoning a
Luftwaffe man, the actor - sorry, Spy tells him the girl’s friend
is up there and, touchingly stupid, up goes Fritz just in time to
meet American fist. His ‘English’ accent has notably slipped,
revealing the true German beneath. Ach so!. Cliff follows the German down into the cabin, to find Sinclair
holding Jenny at gunpoint. The traitor has had a bellyful of
his ‘cheap’ heroics. Hand over the rocket or her brains go all
over the cabin. Valiantly, Jenny tells him not to, but he has no
choice. Sliding it to the Nazi, Cliff cunningly thumbs aside the
gum patching the leak, and a trickle of fuel emerges from the
bullet-hole. Handing the Captain his Walther, Sinclair leaves
him to cover the girl while he himself grasps the rocket.
Pluckily, Jenny stamps on the Captain’s foot and kicks him
through the window. Decking the actor, Cliff asks where’s his
stuntman – but gets a haymaker in return. He does his own
stunts, it seems. The two grapple, in a life or death fight. In
the process, Sinclair tries to stab Cliff with a navigator’s
compass and a locker bursts open, a flare gun spilling onto
the deck. Sinclair is battering the seventh bell out of Secord
when he spots the all-important rocket sliding towards the
abyss; Himmel!. As the treacherous saboteur dives for the
prize, a desperate Jenny levels the flare gun, sending a flare
whanging around the cabin and destroying a fair part of it to
boot. The fire spreads and Cliff appeals to Sinclair to help put it out,
but he’s donned the rocket and prepares to leave, expressing
regret he couldn’t take Jenny vit him. Hatred on her pretty
face, Jenny tells him everything about him is a lie. It vasn’t
lies – it vas acting. Raising his hand in a Nazi salute, he
prepares to blast off, but hasn’t noticed he’s dripping pure
alcohol. He’ll miss Hollywood... Blasting off into the sky, Sinclair cackles manically, until the
pack begins to misfire, sheets of flame as leaking fuel meets
rocket exhaust.
His parting words become eerily prophetic as,
in a ball of flame, the traitor descends in flames to hit the
‘LAND’ part of the HOLLYWOODLAND sign. He did, indeed,
miss ‘Hollywood’. Atop the stricken Luxembourg, Cliff tells Jenny what will
happen when the fire meets the hydrogen, but she grabs him,
telling him she loves him. The two kiss, but Luthor has
regained consciousness – climbing the tether to produce a
vicious-looking knife. It’s like putting a spike on a tank. Just
in the very nick, though, the hydrogen envelopes of the
Zeppelin erupt into flame, one after the other the cells
explode, from the front back and the trio runs for the ‘safety’
of aft.
Help is at hand, from the Hughes Autogyro flown by
the man himself, with Peevy observing.
Swooping low over the dying airship, they fly to the rescue
as Lothar runs out of line, turning to face the inevitable as
he’s consumed in the fire. Dropping a caving ladder, the
autogyro plucks the young couple to safety as the leviathan
crashes to Earth in flames. Oh!; the humanity!. Fittingly, the
last thing to be devoured by the fire is the Nazi Swastika. Across from the Bull Dog, Millie is picking oranges straight
from the grove as a cheerful Skeets and Malcolm wave her
good morning.
Inside, an amused Peevy reads the line the
Government spun the papers; Neville Sinclair killed by
flaming debris falling onto his touring car. Jenny remarks
Cliff he looks awful blue for a guy who saved the World: he’s
got the cracked ribs to prove it, but he has her... and, maybe
The unmistakable sound of a Gee Bee engine alerts
everyone to the arrival of a brand-new racer, which taxis
around to a stop in front. Piloted by none other than
America’s most famous recluse. Exiting the tiny plane,
Hughes asks for a moment alone with Cliff. He’s been
meaning to ask; what was it like?, strapping that thing to his
back?. It was the closest he’ll ever to get to Heaven is his
reply. Looking over at Jenny... maybe not... Hughes takes his leave, leaving Cliff to process the gift he’s
left, but pauses to toss him something...
A pack of Beeman’s gum. Don’t ever fly her without it. Climbing into his
Pierce-Arrow, Hughes leaves his men to tear off the tape covering
Cliff’s name, painted on the racer.
He never even got the chance to thank the man who gave him two of
the most incredible flying machines ever built. Jenny has something
too, for Peevy, handing him his schematic diagram that she
took from Sinclair’s house.
Cheekily, Cliff asks Jenny to give him her line ‘Oh, my prince,
would that you drink of my lips..’ and he does. Engrossed in
his diagram, Peevy is already working out how to build a
new rocket. If they increase the manifold pressure and switch
the fuel-to-air ratio... but neither of the youngsters are
listening, lost in each other as they embrace. (As the locals
admire Cliff’s new plane, a kid chases around the crowd,
pursued by little Patsy, in a homemade tin-can Rocketeer
1982, the Artist Dave Stevens created a comic-book hero called The
Rocketeer, selling the film
rights to Disney in 1985. After languishing in development hell, the
movie was finally made and released in 1991. And bombed. From a
budget of $40,000,000 The Rocketeer made
just $46,000,000 and the suits cancelled planned sequels. Now, in
2018, Disney are planning a remake, plus a children’s animated
series is in production.
(Above; Original Theatrical trailer.)
The movie is a cult classic, beloved of fans
worldwide, who now wait with bated breath to see if Disney wrecks or
revives the character they love… Stevens himself succumbed to
Leukaemia in 2008 at the young age of 52, but
he lives on through his work – and a cameo as the German test pilot
who is killed when his jetpack explodes. When I say that after a
year’s break from posting, this was the only choice of film for me
to review, you might get an idea of the impression The
Rocketeer made on me…
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Dave Stevens' comic-book inspired a great film |
did everything they could to get in the way of the film-makers; from
Michael Eisner’s interference with helmet designs to Dave Steven’s
recollection of how unwelcome they made him feel on set. Having
said that, Disney went all-out to market the film, spending
$19,000,000 on TV adverts alone, along with a long list of licensed
products, including video games and novelizations. The Premiere was
held at the newly-refurbished El Capitan theater on June 19th,
1991, after an Art-Deco overhaul Disney conducted. With
a stirring soundtrack from James Horner (48hrs,
Commando, Aliens,
Titanic, Braveheart,
etc etc) and Production Design from Jim Bissell (E.T.,
Jumanji) the film is a
Director Joe Johnston started his career as a Stormtrooper in
Star Wars (1977) and
went on to Art Direction for films such as the first two Indiana
Jones films, before helming
Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Jumanji, The Iron Giant, Captain
America: The First Avenger amongst
others. His work on The Rocketeer is,
for my money, close to flawless. A breathless love-letter to the
Golden Age of serials, Rocketeer is perhaps Disney's best film since Walt Disney ran the show. Make sure you see it.
(Above; the - sadly, late - Dave Stevens discusses his idea. Gone too soon.)
reviews here; the whole ensemble shines on this one.
Unusually-tense image of the two stars; rumour has it they shared an on-set romance, though it's hard to see it here.
Campbell of Dynasty fame
is Cliff Secord/The Rocketeer.
exquisite Jennifer Connelly
is Jennifer. She starred in
films such as Labyrinth
and A Beautiful Mind.
Arkin plays Peevy. Check him
out as Yossarian in Catch-22,
or as
Freud in the fabulous Sherlock Holmes film The
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Jennifer Connelly with Billy Campbell |
Dalton is Neville Sinclair (Booo!). Among
his oeuvre are
such films as Flash
Gordon, Hot Fuzz and The
Living Daylights – the
latter being one of the finer James Bond outings.
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(Above) Lobby Card featuring Timothy Dalton |
Sorvino (Goodfellas)
appears as Eddie Valentine
O’Quinn (Lost)
portrays Howard Hughes; probably the best screen incarnation of the
legendary Aviator.
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Interesting Production Still, showing an unused shot featuring Terry O'Quinn as Howard Hughes |
Ron Taylor plays Lothar, a clear tribute to Rondo Hatton, a character
actor in vintage movies such as the 1944 Sherlock Holmes film, The
Pearl of Death.
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Hollywood Legend Rick Baker sculpted this prosthetic for 'Tiny Ron Taylor to become the sinister Lothar |
out for William Sanderson as Skeets; he played J.F. Sebastian in
Blade Runner.
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Cast at the 1991 Premiere. |
Neville Sinclair character is clearly based on swashbuckling
womaniser and hell-raiser Errol Flynn; possibly due to an unreliable
and badly-sourced hagiography accusing him of being a Nazi spy.
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(Above) Errol Flynn with Basil Rathbone in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1939) |
some unique Rocketeer imagery and content, you could do worse than
visit here;
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Screen-Used Hughes jetpack schematic |
real Bulldog cafe was situated at 1153 West Washington
Boulevard. Built in 1928, it was demolished sometime after 1966.
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(Above)The original Bulldog cafe |
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(Above) production-used model of the Bull Dog |
the original comic, Doc Savage the Man of Bronze invents the
rocket-pack. Rather than become entangled in a copyright wrangle,
Disney opted to replace him with Howard Hughes.
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This screen-used miniature was sold at auction for $5,000 |
a look at an incredible collection of
props from the film (Albeit with
copyright notice all over the pictures) look here;
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Production used 'Hero' Helmet, sold at auction for $25,000 |
‘I do my own stunts’ line is probably a reference to the fact
Timothy Dalton was famous for doing much of his own stuntwork.
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Costume display of Secord and Jenny's outfits |
German radio transceiver Jenny discovers in Sinclair’s secret lair
is a Torn.Fu.b1 (Transmitter 3.0 MHz – 5.0 MHz Receiver 3.0 MHz –
6.66 MHz in case you couldn’t sleep for wondering). The model was a
portable field radio used by the German military in the mid to late
Thirties. Quite why he couldn’t just have gone to RadioShack evades
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(Above) Two of the most sought-after ILM Crew items are these brass helmet and the Zippo lighter. I'll have the lighter, should you be feeling generous... |
the hopeless actress Neville Sinclair expresses his frustration
with?; that’s Lisa Pedersen, Director Joe Johnston’s wife.
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Timothy Dalton exploding; the effects team blew him up for real, but weren't happy with the effect, so they cloned him for this effort. I really must apologise... |
hope you all enjoyed the Zeppelin explosion; that effect alone cost
$400,000 to make.
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ILM Production models made by the late, great Michael Fulmer (1944-2016) |
a look at a (Low Definition copy of) an original Documentary,
‘Excitement in the Air’ featuring behind the scenes glimpses and
presented by Bill Campbell, click here;
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(Above, Below) Edward Eyth's original production designs for the Rocket-Pack. |
the graphic novel, Secord’s girlfriend is ‘Betty Page’, a
dead-ringer for Bettie Page, the pin-up, glamour and bondage model.
After learning Ms. Page was retired and living near to him, Dave
Stevens befriended her and helped her secure royalties she was due
for the use of her image. Apparently, she was bewildered to discover
how famous she had become. Naturally, Disney got cold-feet about a
sexy character, so substituted her for an aspiring actress. Inspired,
Disney raised the budget during production, some economies still had
to be made; including the scene set at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.
The replica at Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park was to stand in
for the original, with a two-day shoot planned. The idea was, Bette
Davis would be making imprints of her hands in the concrete when the
passing Cliff spots a man falling from the top of the building,
swoops to save him and ends up leaving an impression of both his
boots and rocket blast in the wet cement. Interestingly – or not –
at Disney’s replica theatre, the boots and blast imprint is clearly
visible along with 6-21-91 - the release date for the film.
Part of the scene survives, as Cliff flies past Grauman’s you can
see the Premiere of a Davis film being held.
Speaking of Disney, the following shots show the Rocketeer prop display from the early nineties. Intriguingly, some props are still on show at various Disney attractions.
When The Rocketeer falls from Malcolm’s borrowed plane, frame-by-frame examination shows a hint of the parachute rig installed beneath the mock-up rocket-pack. Stuntmen take extraordinary risks for their trade – and this is one example.
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The Rocketeer is, in part, a homage to the Movie Serials of the Golden Age, such as King of the Rocket Men (Republic, 1949) |
sure about this one, but when the clapperboard is used for ‘The
Laughing Bandit’, the names Berg and Carlson are seen for Director
and Cameraman. The Set Designer for The Rocketeer was John
Berger, so this might be an in-joke. As for Carlson?; you tell me.
The air-show scenes were shot at Santa Maria Airport, California; the Bigelow hangar is still on display there, albeit in a new location and heavily-restored (Termite damage, no less) |
to see some of the movie props?; me too – this video is from a 1991
tour of the Disney/MGM Studios.
Gee Bee racer seen in the film is a replica
of a real aircraft from 1931;
notorious for being hard to handle, it
killed it’s pilot in a crash.
(Above) Mark Sullivan created the Matte Paintings for the film, one of the last great shouts for a dying art. Below is one example of his photo-realistic work. Have fun spotting the rest!. |
Depp was Disney’s first choice for the role of Cliff Secord.
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Sheet from the Press Pack |
Secord grabs the model aircraft to glide down to safety, Howard
Hughes comments that it will fly. This is a reference to Hughes’
legendary aircraft the Hughes H-4 Hercules, popularly known as the
‘Spruce Goose’. The largest aircraft made at the time (Made after
the film’s 1938 setting), the H-4 only ever flew once, in 1947.
There had been increasing speculation in the press that it would not
be able to fly, but Hughes himself flew the aircraft for about a
mile, reaching a height of just 70 feet during a taxi run.
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The ‘Spruce Goose’ |
‘Lucky gum’ Cliff chews is Beemans, known as the brand favoured
by Aviators of the time.
Sinclair’s house is a recreation of the famous Ennis house, built
in 1924 by Frank Lloyd Wright. If the house seems familiar, it’s
because it featured briefly as the exterior of Deckard’s apartment
in Blade Runner and the distinctive tiles were replicated for
Predator 2 and Mulholland Drive.
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Above, Below; the Ennis House. |
‘pause’ as the Gee Bee brushes by the billboard for ‘Wings of
Honor’ just after Cliff’s plane is shot by the mobster; the movie
stars Neville Sinclair (You wouldn’t know it from the illustration)
and is produced by Lawrence Franco while Vilmar Fidgge directs. Larry
Franco is an Executive Producer on The Rocketeer, while his
son Matt – more famous as a Professional Baseball player, did some
stunt-work on the picture. Vilmar Fidgge?; not a Scooby, but some
anagrams (Hey, we all get bored) are; Grave Dig Film, Gag Driver Film
and Film Gig Raved. Yeah, I was hoping for ‘Neville Sinclair’s
the Baddie!’, but it didn’t turn out that way...
get the shots of Cliff in the air, a replica cockpit was built in the
rear seat of a biplane, plus part of the Gee Bee mockup was suspended
beneath a helicopter. So I’m told.
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Behind the scenes shot of the scene at Sinclair's house |
The Rocketeer flies for the first time, just after he tears away the
sheet from the washing-line, two ‘Good Old Boys’ are seen
marvelling at the ‘Big gopher’. The one on the right is ‘Tiny’
Ron Taylor, Lothar out of
Sinclair wishes Eddie Valentine a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’. This
is a tongue-in-zer-cheek reference to the notorious Valentine’s Day
Massacre in which seven Gangsters were killed in Chicago in 1929. It
is suspected a gang working under Al Capone lined up the mobsters and
murdered them with Tommy gun fire.
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Above, below; Merchandise and tie-ins are relatively sparse, video games, flying glider toys among the few. |
Sinclair comments that he’ll miss Hollywood; he’s right - as he
then crashes into the ‘LAND’ part that was then part of the
Hollywood sign. (In real-life it was originally a promotion for a
real-estate company, but the ‘LAND’ section was removed in
1949 to reflect the growing
status of Hollywood as an icon of the movie industry.)
though it’s made clear the Rocket-pack is steered by the rudder on
the Pilot’s helmet, we see Cliff turn his head with no effect on
Cliff first dons the iconic helmet to become The Rocketeer, his
chin-strap does itself up between shots. This isn’t actually a goof
– rather testament to Peevy’s incredible 1938-era engineering
skills. 2018 now and I still have do buckle my own car seat.
the Gee Bee crash closely; you can see the cable towing it in one or
two frames. Just about. During filming, this snapped and narrowly
missed removing a leg from Alan Arkin, who felt it hit the back of
his knee.
noticeable, perhaps, is the joystick of the original yellow Gee Bee,
which changes color from red to yellow for some reason.
really a goof, more visible equipment - but as Cliff presses the
button just after he and Peevy discover the rocket, the cable used to
pull the pack upwards is clearly visible for an instant.
Zeppelin seen in the news-reel is clearly a real one and not the
fictional ‘Luxembourg’; both the Olympic rings visible on the
skin and the designation D-L Z-129 clearly show this to be the
the Gee Bee crashes, a furious Peevy tells the G-men they spent three
years of their lives building that plane. Perhaps they developed and
modified it, because it clearly shows on the aircraft itself it was
made by the Granville Brothers of Massachusetts.
Cliff is blinded by oil on the windshield of the Gee Bee, he punches
a hole to aid his vision; for a second or so, the pattern is visible
where the windshield was scored or cut to help it break.
gum travels around the back of the rocket in some scenes.
the Ice Sculpture scene; the wheels on which it travels can be –
just - glimpsed briefly.
Nazi Storm-troops have MP-40’s – but at the time, they would have
had the MP-38. A small detail, as the MP-38 is less readily-available
these days. Blame the Allies.
people have pointed out that the placement of the rocket-pack nozzles
are wrong; the flier would simply be smashed into the ground
face-first every time. Nor could Cliff have escaped serious injury by
pushing the pick-up; the force required to move a 2 ton vehicle that
quickly would snap the strongest arms. Who cares?.
Finally, apologies for the formatting errors; these belong to Blogger, not me. If you found it frustrating, imagine a week's work ruined by crappy software.
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